The tables that come with most drill presses might be fine for metalworking. But for woodworking, they just don’t cut it. To start with, they’re usually way too small. The only provision for attaching a fence is a few diagonal slots in the table, which makes adjusting the fence a chore. And even though most drill press tables have a small hole in the center for drill bit clearance, the hole isn’t usually large enough to accommodate sanding drums or really big bits. So what’s the solution? Building your own table.
- 2 pages of step-by-step instructions
- Full-color photos, illustrations and exploded views
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Project Supplies & Hardware
Shop Projects Small projects are easy to make when you have a tiny router table. A good rotary tool is all you need.
Shop Projects Cutting a wide range of small parts accurately and safely on the table saw has never been easier. This handy sled takes care of the details.
Shop Projects This unique shop-made project transforms an ordinary angle grinder into a benchtop tool for cutting metal parts accurately and easily.
Original article and pictures take site
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